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This game is really fun and I like how the dices are used in the game. It's very creative how not only is it used to decide which summons can be placed on the field but can be used to damage enemies as well. I really like how the randomness is not only based on luck but skill at the same time! I did lose at 15 because I wanted to see if I was able to beat that wave with only red dices but it seems that it was quite hard. Really enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

I have a quick question.

How do you set the game fullscreen ( in the downloaded version ) in windows?

On the Windows downloadable version you can toggle fullscreen with Alt+Enter!

(1 edit) (+3)

This game is really fun: the dice you get are quite varied, but even if you haven’t got the best loadout ever you can inflict some good damage by swinging the dice onto the enemies’ faces.

The only thing I’d like to see in this game is a save/load function: I found myself playing till round 25 and having to quit, knowing I would have to restart from zero.


Awesome game!! This game brings a frenetic feeling for tower defense, and i really like how random factor + use dices as hit keeps the urgency in plan strategies and use well the moment to place unit. I would love play another levels or field dispositions

(1 edit)
How many waves? 
Is it infinite?
Won't have for the linux platform?

I really enjoyed the fast paced madness this game brings, Its often very difficult to balance RNG and this game handles it very well.

I hope you keep working on it and add different enemies and map changes for the later levels to keep things interesting and exciting as the game progresses 


this is the best game ever


my score is 12


Very entertaining game !




this game is wonderfully juicy and the dice being actually part of the game board and being able to damage enemies by throwing them at your foes is hilarious. though it does get a bit dull and laggy after a while of playing


Very fun and satisfying. Not super easy to lose, but you still have to pay attention. I thought the lack of currency or cooldown for the dice would make the game boring, but the fast pace and strong enemies level out the difficulty. I like the art style. The RNG of the game doesn't feel broken or even especially irritating like it does in some other games. I'm curious about what you used to make this and how you got the dice to do their dice thing. Overall I think it was a pretty fun game that is going in my liked list.


Thank you!

We made the game in GameMaker. And for the dice thing, I responded to someone else asking about it here: Hope that answers your question too!


Nice! I like seeing good games made in GameMaker.

do the differently colored dice have different effects?

The color of the dice stands for which types of units it has on it. Green is for melee units, blue is for ranged units, red is for "immediate actions" or something like that (bombs etc) and white has a mix of all units.


Hey Riuku,

We just reviewed your game and we'd love to hear your feedback on it! Here's a link to the video:


10/10 I think it was my favorite from the whole jam great job. I can totally see this being a full game with some more time.


Hehe It's very fun! I loved...


That Game IS LIterally So Goood


I reached wave 20, and had a great time playing the game, but later on in the game waves starts getting a little bit to long and drab

this is... A MASTERPICE (literally), also you may add an final or new units, the game jam alr ended try continue the game pls

Fun, but desperately needs a speed toggle. Later waves take way too long.


this is rly nice


Nice game. Yet when the number of my dices is maximum it takes some time before I find out how to continue.  Maybe a tutorial about the use of recycle could help.


Great game! I do think the melee units are a tad underpowered, though. I played with ranged at the beginning, and it was incredibly easy(the darn lancers were annoying though!), but when i later tried playing with only melee units, it was incredibly hard and they would usually get lancer'd and ganged up on easily. Perhaps increasing the number of Barbarian/Hammer Dude faces would help. I think having something like a new melee unit would be very nice, perhaps a buzzsaw as an upgraded version of the wooden stakes that moves forward, or a super barbarian unit/even bigger hammer guy that launches enemies back. It'd also be interesting to see a way to have more of an in-game presence, since after a while you can place down a bunch of ranged units, and then just wait, occasionally lobbing bombs. Being able to possess certain bosses you kill or something and directly controlling a strong unit would be really fun!




Love the game, really good! So addictive!:)


Hey, I really loved the concept and gameplay! This is a real gem!! I have some feedback though... I found it far too easy. I played until like wave 31 on my first try and never really felt challenged. My computer had a hard time staying speedy with all the pixel art slowing it down at that level, but other than that, I saw everything the game had to offer with not as much trial/error or difficulty as I was hoping. 

Some ideas:
-Further limit how many dice the player can have.
-Add new enemies, perhaps some that require a different solution than others, maybe like ranged units or units that switch lanes.
-Add more towers so it's harder for the player to get the ones they want.

Good ideas


¿Was this also made in Gml? great game.

Thanks! Yea, we used the latest version of GameMaker.

Oh really cool, i started to learn Gml and Unity at the same time, i don't know if its worth it to learn GML if i can understand Unity, Game maker seem cool to me, ¿Do you have any reasons for doing this in GameMaker instead of Unity?. since i'm new and only done pretty basic stuff maybe i am missing something on why GameMaker is easier or faster. your answer would really help me. Thanks and great games.

The reason why we used GM for this jam game (and all other jam games so far) is that we're the most familiar with it compared to other engines and we know that we can create stuff fast in it because of that.

I hesitate to give advice on which engine you should learn, because I'm not super familiar with engines besides GameMaker and Unity. But I will say that if you want to make 3D games, GameMaker doesn't have great support for that, so you'll be better off learning Unity, Godot, Unreal or any other engine with proper 3D capabilities. If you do want to make 2D games, GameMaker is great!

Thanks for your replays, i got a question ¿How you achieve in this game the 3D physics of the dice? i been researching online but can not figure it out

¿ is it just a fake 3d animation?

Looks so good.

It's fake 3D! It's based on a hand-drawn frame by frame sprite animation. Reaktori drew the art for it and programmed the initial implementation.

The die sprite looks like this:

But then it's also rotated so it'll look something like this (this gif here is a bit janky, sorry):

Then on top of that die sprite we draw the faces of the die. The faces are just static sprites and they're drawn on the die 1) positioned and scaled depending on which side of the die it's on and which frame of the die animation is currently being drawn, and 2) rotated to the same angle as the die.


This is such a fun concept! It's been developed really well and the art is great too. Excellent job, team!


This was such a fun game. Wonderful job!

Thanks, glad you had fun! And thanks for the video, it's always fun (and useful) to see others play the game!


Oh this is really good, I was playing up until wave 15 or so and was still discovering new things. I would love to see this on Steam with a level system and maybe more in-depth progression!


Wow! This is perfect in every way possible. The art looks great, it's addictive and chaotic, yet there is still a huge aspect of strategy here. Obviously, there is luck involved, but it doesn't feel like getting a bad roll is the end of the world. I hope it releases into a paid game, 10/10.

Thanks for the kind words!


I loved it, keep making great games!


Thanks, we'll try!


I loved everything about the game, especially the gameplay. The gameplay is genius, die themselves deal damage making the players always on their toes. Unlike other tower defense games, where it gets really boring once you gets all of the towers, here you get to choose whether to play safe or risk it and roll for a better tower. I also like the little story in the beginning. Although I have to say that it gets pretty easy quite quickly.

Overall, 10/10 would love to see a full game.

Thanks! Yea endless games are tough to balance, they easily either get too hard too fast or remain too easy for too long. But we're happy to hear you liked it!

(1 edit) (+1)

It's a bit clunky to grab and throw the die and the graphics are a bit in the way of things but otherwise cool game. Best of luck! Loved the writing and voiceover in the intro!

Good to hear you liked it, and thanks for the feedback!

need choose level


hope to see a paid version that expands on this idea in the future, this is really fun! makes my hand hurt after a while though, lol


Honestly this must be the winning game of the jam


You were right, #1 overall !

(1 edit) (+3)

Hey this is a fantastic game! Well done!  Do you plan to keep developing it?


Thanks! We developers love how the game turned out, and are definitely considering the possibility of continuing development at some point. Maybe after we finish our current project, Ants Took My Eyeball, which happens to be based on our previous jam games!


You create very epic games


This is very nice, would pay for a version on steam. Really good job!

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